Are you dealing with depression? Are you hearing whispers in your head?
Do you feel despair? I was awakened multiple times last night by the Spirit.
I know this is message is for someone out there.
Please know that you are loved. You have value. That you were created to be unique, like no one else and even on your worst days, and the days you feel like a failure YOU STILL HAVE VALUE.
Did you know satan loves to whisper in our ears. He loves to tell us... You screwed up. They would be better without you. You have no value. You will never be able to do better. It would be easier if you just checked out. Yeah, that's it, just check out. Life will be easier.
Satan is a liar. He only knows how to lie and there is NO truth in him! He is a coward and his ways are to take every person who will listen to his lies down to the pit with him!
Yes, they are ALL LIES! Everyone of them! Hold on the sun rises in the morning!
Hang on to truth and let it UPLIFT you out of that pit!
My heart is heavy for you and I am praying against the darkness that seems so heavy.
All the people reading this are praying for you too! They are praying in agreement that you would know your value.
------------------ Did you know that life may seem hard and it can have a full load of issues that you didn't ask for, but when you trust that God can turn beauty from ashes, HE WILL!
While you were still yet in your mother's womb God formed you and He knew you because he created you.
He knows how many hairs you have on your head and you have SO MUCH value this makes you an enemy to satan, so he wants to take you down.
RISE UP. Ask Yahweh for STRENGTH to rise up and tell satan, I WILL NOT BELIEVE lies! ---------------
Maybe you don't know Christ, but He knows you. He cares and He is a REAL God. I can testify to His goodness and mercies everyday of my life! If there was anyone unworthy of grace and mercy it is me. His mercies are new everyday. His grace is overwhelming when you open up to truth and turn away from lies.
No one is perfect and ALL of our righteousness is like filthy rags! Not a single one of us could earn salvation. If it were up to my deeds on this earth I would end up in hell. It is my trust and belief in Yahweh that has set me on a high place and He can do the same for you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Share your questions, your concerns, your heart with Him. He will answer. And, when He does soften your heart to hear His truth that dispels all lies.
* I believe there is more than one of you that this is for.
Are you a believer? Satan wants to take you down. He wants to take away your sparkle. He wants to dim your light, but he is powerless over you! You have everything you need within you because you were created to be an OVERCOMER!
You have overcome so much! This is not the time to throw in the towel. Get up and you be strong. Strengthen yourself in the Lord, obey Christ and tell satan to flee and HE MUST!
If you believe this message will pierce the darkness... Amen!
If you need prayer or if this spoke to you. I would love to hear from you. HERE
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