Over the past 5 years my family has received a ton of miracles. Real miracles! The kind of miracles that would be good enough for Chicken Soup for the Soul!
I believe the following scripture explains part of the reason why we have experienced such a move of God in our lives.
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Heb. 11: 6
I came across the passage after we moved into our small RV some years ago and I put it on the inside of my bathroom cabinet and I made sure to memorize it.
What was really stuck out to me wasn't the first part. I think many people get stuck on the part that talks about it being impossible to please God without faith.
I know that is definitely important to understand, but my faith is pretty fortified. My focus went on to the next portion that I never really heard being taught or focused on for that portion of the scripture.
"He is a REWARDER of those that diligently seek Him!"
Now that part got me excited!
It didn't say, for those that are perfect in all their ways.
It didn't say, for those that never mess up!
No, it simply said, for those that diligently seek Him!
This resonated in my soul and it got me thinking about King David! That guy made some BAD mistakes! He messed up big time! Yet, he was still considered a "man after God's own heart!"
How could that be?
I believe it's because David was constantly running after God. Hence, "A man after God's heart."
Picture a guy running a marathon with hurdles and one after another, he tries to jump over them, but trips. Now imagine that guy continually getting up and continuing on, even after he took a dive! He kept on track and kept moving forward. David wasn't perfect, but he was repentive and he did diligently seek God's face and counsel.
It's our diligence to seek God that matters the most in God's economy. For it is when we seek His face that He will illuminate the areas we need to work on the most.
That passage gave me such hope and allowed me to come boldly to God and expect a reward because He is a man that He can not lie!
All of His promises are YES and AMEN!
So, I believed the scripture and I...
I prayed it
Father, I know without faith it is impossible to please you! So increase my faith so I can diligently seek you!
After I prayed it, I PROCLAIMED IT!
Yahweh, I BELIEVE that you are God and that you do REWARD those that diligently seek You! Father, I only want to seek you! I only want to do your will! Hide not your face from me and let me never depart from your path! Thank you that you will reward our family for our faith and belief!
PRAY His WORD! Practice His Word! Proclaim His Word and watch mountains move in your life and in your home!
Did this speak to you? Make sure to share it!
Emmasara, Hebrews 11 has also been a focus for me, but I haven’t written it down to proclaim it every day....yet. 🥰 I’ve read the chapter over, and over, and even listened to a message from a friend with it, tailored specifically for our family this week. What I didn’t realize until reading EmmaSara’s post, is that I have been so focused on the first part of that verse. “but without faith, it is impossible to please Him”. It shows me I’ve had a one sided, skewed version of Him, and I’ve been missing the relational aspect of the Father.)