Even before I was out of bed I felt the Lord calling while I was yet still asleep. I could sense Him speaking to me. I could only respond, “here I am Lord, use me.” I then ever so softly and heard, “You will be… You will be…” It was two desires of my heart for my future. I heard two affirmations for my calling. Hours later when I woke up to get out of bed I heard it again. As I laid in bed, I thought how wonderful those words were in my ear and I rolled over to grab my phone to read the Word and Psalms 139 popped up and my heart knew it was confirmation.
I have dreams because the Father put them there!
Adonai, you have probed me, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I stand up, you discern my inclinations from afar, you scrutinize my daily activities. You are so familiar with all my ways that before I speak even a word, Adonai, you know all about it already. You have hemmed me in both behind and in front and laid your hand on me. Psalms 139:1-5 CJB
As I read the entire Psalm I felt as if the Father was giving me the confirmation I was asking for and my whole being was filled with excitement that my dreams were indeed going to happen because all of His promises are YES and Amen! Every one of them, every promise will happen, for Yahweh is not a man that he can lie.
For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders. Psalm 139:13-14
Even before we were born the Father had a calling and plan for our lives and when we tap into that calling we are unstoppable! I have a calling. You have a calling! Do you want to hear the great thing? Romans 11 states that the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
No one can take them from you.
The Strong’s Lexicon defines irrevocable as not affected by a change of mind.
This means God will not change his mind about your calling.
These facts are so reassuring to me. What Yahweh-God has called me to do will come to pass! What He has called you to do, will come to pass!
My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed. Psalms 139:15-16
I think of great people of the Bible who were mentioned as being called from the womb to do great things: Samson was called to be a Nazarite, Jerimiah was called to be a prophet to the nations. The reality is every person on this earth has a purpose and calling that was established before they were ever born.
My son has wanted to be a pilot since he was only 2 years old. Since he was two he let us know that he wanted to fly in the sky. As a parent I have invested in supplying him with everything he needs to be a pilot, both his dad and I have. Can you imagine my exhilaration when that same son took me flying this year, since we share the same birthday week! He turned 17 and he got to fly a real plane! He was realizing not only a dream, but his calling! It was such an encouragement to me! The Father is faithful to allow us to achieve the dream He puts in our heart.
No one can take your dream, no one can steal it!
But, listen you can hinder it. You can put it off. You can push it off. You can delay the process of walking in the fullness of it!
I am a mother of eight and there have plenty of days that I am tired, and I had my share of sabotaging my own path and delaying the process. However, this year I repented of everything I have done to stifle walking in the fullness of my calling.
I have thrown doubt out the window!
I have kicked believing lies to the curb!
I have said, no, to living with guilt in pursing my calling!
I have said, yes, to hard work.
I have accepted that it will take time away from things in the temporal, but I understand I will redeem that time sooner than later.
I have subjected myself fully to Yahweh and I delight myself in Him.
And, I reminded that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desire of our heart!
If you are ready to run after your calling and to pursue it, leave a comment! Share your dream with me so I can pray for you!
If you are confused about your calling or you NEED tools to achieve your dreams, pick up a copy of Passion. Purpose. Time Management. This book will be your blueprint for fulfilling your calling.
You have already been dreaming, the time to do it is now!
The time to achieve it is now! GO after it!