📣TRUTH ALERT! A relationship between a husband and wife can take some time to cultivate to a full measure. We don't have a typical "love story." As a matter of fact, nothing about our story is cookie cutter. When I married my husband I wasn't head-over-heels in love with him. I married him because he magnified Christ and I thought that was different than the "garden variety" Christian guys I had dated.
This has it's good points and not so good points considering he wasn't really my type when we met. Over the years sparks have really had to be cultivated. We had our moments, but most of the time it was a BIG fizzle. However, I was always drawn to his fear of the Lord and that was enough to draw me near to him, but whenever he relaxed in his faith so did my desire for him.
With that said, in year 20 of our marriage something amazing happened! My husband really turned his mindset around. He started to have a stronger self-care approach to life and he became new in so many different areas of life. He had so many changes, not to mention he started to bulk up and become strong again after a severe injury that had him retired for 5 years!
We also got a family name change. When we legally changed it to a historical family name, my husband became a NEW man! It was as if he had a second lease on life. Not only did he adopt a new name, but a new way!
This past week we went on a family vacation and we made sure to go on two date nights and it was fabulous!
All I know is this year I really fell in love with my husband! Yes, in year 20 and 8 kids later! So for all you couples who want to give up on marriage, don't! Change can happen in any season of life! We are living proof!
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