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It May Not Be the Right Fit, but...

In life we will inevitably find ourselves over our head in a project at some point. The urge might be to throw in the towel. Have you...

Limiting Clutter Equals More Time to Focus

I often tell my kids that homeschooling will never end for us. We will be students for life! My husband and I try to live out actions...

Fabulous 40's

Last month I turned forty-four. As I am inching my way up the ladder of time, I find myself doing a lot of contemplating. When I think of...

Starting Over - Debt Free Journey Part 2

The following is part of a series being transferred from an old blog. I really think transferring this series is important part of our...

Friday Basics- The Toy Dilemma

Once upon a time we had a 900 sq ft designated kids homeschool/toy space, but not any longer. Living an RV can help to deal with the toy...

Intro to Our Purging Minimalist Journey

The following is part of a series being transferred from an old blog. I really think transferring this series is important part of our...

Friday Basics- Decluttering Small Spaces

Today my 14 year old took it upon herself to declutter a small drawer that is above our RV door. It is space we rarely go into, yet...

Why Minimalism? My Top 5 Reasons

I realize that minimalism is considered to be a fad by some camps. However, I am not a person who is into fads. It is not my focus to...

Building a Dream Debt-Free Part 3

We have been living tiny since June 2014. This year we will finally go back to house living, but with a NEW mindset! I don't want stuff....

Simple Mac N Cheese and Why I Haven't Made it in Years!

I know there is nothing too exciting about mac and cheese it is American comfort food after all. I mean at least that’s what a lot of...

Minimalist Office Space

We are currently living in an RV with 235 sq ft of space. With a family of soon to be ten that doesn't leave any office space. So when we...

What to Do When You Are in the Midst of a STORM!

Be still. Be still. Be still. Who wants to be still when the ship feels like it is sinking? We all have that inner desire to DO SOMETHING...

Homesteading Building a Dream

As of June 2014 we moved into our 235 sq. ft RV with NO pull-outs! We were a family of 7 at the time and things were pretty squished....

This is YOUR Year to Discover Your "WHAT"

Life doesn't have to be confusing pick up my book that will become a blueprint for life! 2017 Amazon Kindle Best Seller! CHANGE STARTS NOW!

5 Steps to Crush the "I have to" Mindset.

How many times do you feel like you "have to" do something that you don't feel like doing? Some people go to work every day and feel that...

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